Published: September 4, 2020 10:00

DID YOU KNOW THAT… The Viennese classics with names!

———— In the history of music (and not only!) each period has its own names, which in a way create its character. There are three composers associated with the Viennese Classics (and what composers!), none of whom were born in Vienna, but who developed their artistic skills there: Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

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Published: August 28, 2020 10:00

DID YOU KNOW THAT… A gathering of giants!

———— It seemed impossible and yet… Thirty years have just passed (hard to believe!) since the historic gathering of three opera giants at the same time on one stage. On 7 July 1990, shortly after the football match between Italy and England for third place in the world championship, the three most famous tenors of

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Published: August 24, 2020 17:27

Odeszła Elżbieta Niziołowa

———— Nie była typem operowej gwiazdy… Była Osobą niezwykle skromną, widzącą w innych dobroć i bezinteresowność, bezpośrednią w kontaktach, dowcipną i pełną życzliwości. Swoją karierę artystyczną realizowała w Teatrze Wielkim w Łodzi, choć nie brakowało w niej sukcesów na innych krajowych i zagranicznych scenach operowych, estradach koncertowych i filharmonicznych. Gościnnie śpiewała m.in. w Stanach Zjednoczonych, Grecji, Jugosławii, Niemczech,

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Published: August 7, 2020 11:15

Did you know that… Clock impressionism in the opera…

———— The famous French composer, Maurice Ravel, known for his even more famous Boléro, had to wait four years before his opera work The Spanish Hour appeared on stage – mainly because of the difficulties the score caused to the orchestra and singers. It was not staged until 19 May 1911 at the Comic Opera

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Published: August 4, 2020 17:57

Zmarł Bernard Ładysz

———— Świętej pamięci Bernard Ładysz odszedł 25 lipca 2020 roku, dzień po swoich 98. urodzinach. Wybitnego artystę pożegnamy 5 sierpnia 2020 w Warszawie, spocznie w Alei Zasłużonych na Powązkach Wojskowych. Wielkiej klasy śpiewak, najwybitniejszy polski bas i jeden z największych basów na świecie. Znakomity aktor, wielki polski patriota, żołnierz Armii Krajowej i po prostu dobry

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Published: July 31, 2020 11:00

Did you know that… Carmen in a silent film…

———— An initial, rather cold (hard to believe!) reception of Georges Bizet’s Carmen by the audience aroused interest in developing cinematography as early as in the first years of the 20th century. One of the first people fascinated by the tragedy of the beautiful Gypsy woman was Cecil De Mille. Given the fact that at

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Published: July 17, 2020 10:00

Did you know that… The opera would not be what it is today…

———— Ten włoski kompozytor zasadniczo zreformował operę, był pierwszym wielkim odnowicielem muzyki zachodniej i genialnym twórcą – jednym z tych wielkich, bez których opera nie stałaby się tym, czym jest. Claudio Monteverdi (zmarły 29 listopada 1643 roku) w swoich operowych kompozycjach podniósł znaczenie partii solowych w stopniu dotąd niespotykanym. Silniej od swoich poprzedników Monteverdi odzwierciedla

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Published: July 10, 2020 10:31

Czy wiecie, że… Taki mały a już potrafił…

———— This is the only such case in the history of opera that, as we would say today, a ‘child from primary school’ instead of poring over books, came up with the idea of composing… an opera! On 1 May 1769, the 13-year-old Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart presented his first opera La finta semplice in Salzburg.

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Published: July 3, 2020 17:50

DID YOU KNOW THAT… A legacy – not just opera!

———— After announcing the will of the great Verdi, another great – non-musical – side of the composer could be seen. During his long and successful opera career, Giuseppe Verdi gained a considerable fortune, which he managed with the greatest care and, with reason corresponding to his peasant origins, cost-effectiveness and moderation. He also acted

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Published: June 30, 2020 10:31

Did you know that… Opera on request.

———— In the history of opera, we repeatedly faced the fact that its most eminent creators also composed their works in the course of a commission contract, because they had to make a living from something. The customers were mostly kings, princes, theatre directors and other noble and generous patrons, but there were also times

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